
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gums licensed to kill : Weapon is peridontal bacteria

Treating gums can improve blood vessel walls.

Peridontal bacteria finds its way into arteries and placentas.

As usual guns (gums) dont hurt until the bullet reaches, say, the heart.

Esp evident in those with mitral heart valve defects. Antibiotics prescirbed by the dentist must be duly taken.

Toxins produce cytocines by the immune sys which damage tissues, inflaming them which usually is a prelude to diseases.

the common cytomegalovirus linked to gum and kidney transplant problems

Can trigger liver to release c-reactive protein which inflames arteries and promote blood clot

Diabetics tend to have more severe gum problems at earlier age. Blood sugar remains high for a longer time.

Increased risks of surgery, cancer, alzheimer's, cardiovascular, stroke, osteoporosis, other diseases.

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